How to make a IR Receiver for your PC for under $15
--Continued -- Page 4
Page 1
Well, after all that your ready to put it all together. I always thought that a picture is worth
a thousand, so here you are.
Actually in one build I did mistakenly reverse the neg and pos on the capacitor
and the sensor worked fine.
I used a
sound card audio connector to connect the wires to the IR module as you can see in the picture.
You do have to modify the audio connector. A standard audio connector
is a 4 pin connector in which normally only 3 are used. The first,
second, and fourth and the third is let empty. You have to move the
fourth wire to the empty third slot. This can be easily done by using
a straight pin to push down the metal tab at the top of the connector
and pulling the wire gently at the same time.
Crouching Camera Hidden Sensor
The Finished Project
The nice people at Addtronics (people who made my case) were nice enough to put
these useless fan slots on the side of my case, which once again (like the LCD)
they came in
handy for mounting a mod. I used a hot glue gun on the corners of the module (a little
dab will do) and
faced the sensor out through the slots from the inside. You can also use super glue
or silicone glue. You can hardly see the sensor, check the picture.