The sounds in Wolfenstein are quality,
especially the gun sounds. Unlike some games the sounds a big, beefy, and
really fit each gun well. One thing about the sounds in the game that bothered
me in the beginning was the lack of Nazi’s screaming at you in German. It was
one of my favorite parts of Wolfenstein 3d and instead you have Nazi’s
screaming at you in German tainted English. Although it was kind of a downer of
expectations it didn’t influence game play much.
I am and
always will be a big fan of the original Wolfenstein 3D game with its endless
mazes of treasure and German yelling Nazis. With its castle mazes and near to
no plot it was the gunslingers dream, killing everything and anything.
Wolfenstein let me down on the overall feel of the game. I felt that all the
super graphics made the game more of a piece of art then something to kill
hoards of people in. I think they missed out on the driving feeling that this
sort of game should have, and instead you kind of just bumble your way through
simply because you bought it for 40 bucks. Not because you really wanted to get
to the end.
The plot of Wolfenstein which is played out in a few dry cut scenes
in between missions really isn't the best plot that could have been worked into
the game but doesn’t seem to be to much of a problem (except for falling asleep
during the cut scenes), seeing that it is really more about killing Nazis then
anything. Lastly, for me the ending was quite a downer. Not only was it fairly
easy once you realized what you needed to do it was just a bad ending in
general to a game of this caliber. There weren’t many surprises throughout the
game and there wasn’t much freedom of where to go and what to do. It was a very
linear game.
Wolfenstein is not mainly a single player game,
in the past the multiplayer aspect of mast games was death match and was just
thrown in at the last second to put an added incentive in to buy the game. Now
that multi-player games are so popular companies are really working on not only
the single player aspect, but also putting in multi-player games that are worth
playing. Wolfenstein’s multiplayer is excellent. It is a cooperative class
based game built mainly upon the levels
of the current game and a few others
(ala Omaha beach). You can pick from every weapon in the game
and a few extras
like explosives depending on what class you choose to play. It is probably the
best representation of a class-based game since the original Team Fortress for
Quake. The best part about it is that it’s just really fun to play. The only
downers are the team kills, while with friends they can be amusing they get
annoying after awhile on the public servers. There is now a way to kick
teammates after to many TK’s.
Final Thoughts…
All in all RTCW is a very satisfying computer
game that looks beautiful and plays out just as good. You can tell from the
moment you start the game that a lot of work went into making this a great
game. Unlike many sequel mishaps, Return To Castle Wolfenstein defiantly
deserves the attention it received. And it will live on for a while at least in
the multiplayer mode.
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